Board of Directors                                                                              Approved 05/01/08

Minutes April 3, 2008  

Present:          Hon. James F. Moelk (ret), R. Gerhardt, L. Fisher, D. Waslohn, J. Angen, W. Tauber, T. Martin, C. Hakenen, M. Wray, G. Vadlamudi, C. Capozzo, L. Sottana

Guests:  Social Chairman, Jerrry Sullivan; Art Geis / Child Haven

Guests:  Julie Osborn, Joan Mumaugh, Pam Angen, Lynn Waslohn, Betsy Martin, Ann Tauber, Loretta McInnis / 18 Hole Ladies Group  

Child Haven Christmas Dinner Dance – Sullivan, Geis
The Child Haven Christmas Dinner Dance has been a fun, well attended event put on by members of GVCC over the Christmas holiday season.  The 2008 function will be the fourth annual event.  There has been a misunderstanding whether or not this event is considered a Club status/sponsored event.  Club status/sponsored events are subsidized by Green Valley Country Club for the social enjoyment of its members. The Social Committee is requesting the Board of Directors to grant Club status/sponsorship for this function as GVCC member engagers do not have the start up funds for the event.  It would also allow members to call into the Club to make reservations instead of using a sign up sheet in the card rooms, as well as providing a deposit to book a DJ.  In addition, no funds from the Club will be applied toward the charity. After some discussion, the Board agreed to grant Club status to this Green Valley Christmas Dinner Dance, aka Child Haven, to provide the start up funds needed as long as the cost per person covers the costs of the event.  Hakenen motioned to approve, Tauber seconded.  The motion carried.  

18 Hole Ladies Group/ Ladies Invitational – Julie Osborn
A petition from a few GVCC ladies was present to the March Board of Directors regarding an amendment to the 18 Holers’ by-laws.  The amendment to the by-laws allows only 18 hole women to play in the Ladies Invitational.  Those on the petition did not feel it was fair to discriminate against GVCC ladies who were not members of the 18 Holer group as the Ladies Invitational is a Club event and not an 18 Holer event.  The March Board agreed and ruled that the Ladies Invitational was open to all GVCC women. As a result of that ruling, Julie Osborn, president of the 18 Hole Ladies Group explained to the April Board of Directors the 18 Holers’ position regarding the Green Valley Ladies Invitational, as the 18 Holers have been organizing the tournament over the many years, and their thoughts on the petition which questioned the 18 Holer’s amended by-laws to participate in this Invitational.  Since there is a misunderstanding whether or not the GV Ladies Invitational is a Club event or an 18 Holer event, Osborn requested the Board to grant the Ladies Invitational as an exclusive 18 Holer event and not a Club event.  Tauber motioned to approve, Waslohn seconded.  The motion failed 4-6.  This has come up to the Board of Directors in the past and the ruling has always been that the GV Ladies Invitational is a Club event and open to any female member of Green Valley Country Club.

Minutes of March 6, 2008 – Accepted as written.  

Treasurer’s Report Accepted.  Capozzo will respond to the May Board with a payroll report for the first quarter.  

Membership Sales & Notations There were no applications to present.  The Board took note of one reduction in the selling price of a membership which will be effective April 4, 2008    

Committee Reports

Green:  The SID flow test with the new pump station went very well on March 31, 2008.  Three separate test programs were performed throughout the day with different flow requirements.  All test irrigation programs went smoothly.  We are now on line with the new pump station.  The wireless communication to the new pump station is a mandatory tool Ray will need as soon as possible.  The committee also discussed the poor condition of the maintenance buildings and the problem of equipment storage.

House:  Committee liaison Tim Martin presented samples of the wallpaper and commercial carpet the committee selected for the Oakroom and Foyer.  The Board expressed concerns on the wear factor of the carpet and that the wallpaper/carpet colors may darken the room. A quote to renew the oak panels in the Oakroom and Foyer was received.  The Board would like references prior to making a decision to have the work done.

Tennis:  Tennis leagues have started.  There have been a lot of positive comments on the social room.  GVCC Director of Tennis, Paul Garron was awarded the 2007 USPT Northern California Professional of the Year Award.

Membership:  The committee is discussing a possible membership drive.  It has come to the committee’s attention that the Social committee would like GVCC to underwrite a portion of the Child Haven event.  The membership committee does not feel it is appropriate for the membership to underwrite unknown costs of a charitable function.  The committee acknowledges the time and effort a group of our members dedicate to raise funds for this worthy charity, but do not feel it should be subsidized.

Food & Beverage:  The committee reviewed their Board approved request to change the dining arrangements for Friday and Saturday.  The Casual dining will be available on Fridays only, and the Formal dining will be available on Saturdays only. The dining hours will be extended to begin at 5:00 p.m.  Both dinners will be held in the Oakroom by reservation.

Pool & Fitness:  The committee discussed pool readiness, swim team, swim lessons a social calendar as well as reducing the amount of summer pool side barbeques and add a theme to the barbeques we keep.  This idea will be forwarded to the F&B Committee.

Finance:  After reviewing guest fee usage, the committee does not recommend increasing the guest fees. The Board of Directors requested a recommendation from the Finance Committee regarding the Food & Beverage Committee’s request to increase the food and beverage quarterly minimum spending from $225.00 to $255.00.  After a reviewing the history of the unused minimum, the recommendation of the Finance Committee is to raise the minimum as it has not been increased since 1992.  The Board tabled the recommendation for lack of a motion.  

Old & New Business Delinquent Account:  Vadlamudi recommended to sell a delinquent Proprietary membership if payment is not received by April 10, 2008.  Gerhardt seconded, the motion carried.

Correspondence:  Flag System:  Several seniors signed a letter regarding their concerns on the new flag system.  The Board referred the letter to the Golf Committee for recommendation.   There being no further business, Vadlamudi motioned to adjourn, Hakenen seconded. The motion carried. 8:20 p.m.  

Respectfully Submitted,

Trey Curtola, Secretary